
Helmut Leder received the Gustav Theodor Fechner Award for Outstanding Contributions to Empirical Aesthetics of the IAEA (International Association of...

Moritz Grosse-Wentrup und sein Team präsentieren am 24. Mai die Zukunft der Sprachprothesen bei der Langen Nacht der Forschung an der Uni Wien!


Barbara Klump gave a Brownbag Session titled "Edo et cano ergo sum - what foraging and vocal behaviour can tell us about cognition" on Wednesday, 15...

Isabella Anderson-Wagner, Cliodhna Quigley, Mizan Rambhoros, Tibor Tauzin and Thomas Wolf are the winners of the 2023 Vienna CogSciHub Seed Grant...


Wencke Groeneveld and Marthe Luise Herbst joined the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub as research interns in February 2024, working on projects with...

Am 15 Mai geht es in der Beaver Brewing Company ab 19:00 um Farbige Freude und Ketamin-Träume: Ein Trip durch aktuelle Forschungen zur...