New Publications: The impact of art beholders’ cultural backgrounds on art viewing and aesthetic evaluations.


Two recent joint publications by the University of Vienna and Keio University (Japan) shed light on how cultural background influences the way art is viewed and interacted with.

The cultural background of art viewers has been suggested as one of the factors that influence how we view and interact with artworks. However, these suggestions have largely remained theoretical, with scarce empirical evidence. Two recent publications, conducted in collaboration between University of Vienna and Keio University (Japan) shed light on this topic. The first publication (Brinkmann, Mikuni et al., 2023) demonstrates the impact of visual cultural elements, i.e., writing system, on how we explore artworks. While there is cultural diversity in eye movements when viewing art, the second publication (Leder, Mikuni et al., 2023) also suggests that certain elements of visual stimuli, i.e., symmetry is preferred and appreciated regardless of the cultural background.

This knowledge not only provides evidence of the effects of culture on art perception but also contribute to improving the diverse samples in the field of psychology, including samples of non-WEIRD (Western Educated Industrialized Rich Democratic) countries.


  • Brinkmann, H., Mikuni, J., Dare, Z., Kawabata, H., Leder, H., & Rosenberg, R. (2023). Cultural diversity in Oculometric Parameters When Viewing Art and Non-Art. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. DOI:
  • Leder, H., Mikuni, J., Kawabata, H., & Rosenberg, R. (2023). Symmetry as an Inter-Cultural Feature Constituting Beauty: Implicit and Explicit Beauty Evaluation of Visual Symmetry in Japan. Empirical Studies of the Arts. DOI: