New Grant

Marisa Hoeschele - Research Scientist at the Acoustics Research Institute at the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Vienna CogSciHub Network Associate -...

New Grant

Theresa's interdisciplinary project on "Biophysiological Explorations of Aesthetically Appealing Linguistic Patterns" secured funding from the ÖAW and...

New Grant

Angela Stöger-Horwath - Netzwerkmitglied des Vienna CogSciHub - war im WWTF Call "Life Sciences 2023 - Understanding Biology with AI/ML" erfolgreich...


The FWF #Connecting Minds Project - led by Matthew Pelowski, Julia Crone, and Blanca Spee - investigates the impact of Parkinson's disease on...

New Publication

A team from the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Vienna, including Vienna CogSciHub Deputy Speaker Tecumseh Fitch, shed light on...

New Publication

Mat White et al. recently published a paper on the effect of nature visits on subjective well-being in Health & Place.