My interdisciplinary affiliation provided the substrate for the success of my ERC Starting Grant application.
Jan Mikuni, Margot Dehove, Nikita Podolin, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, and Helmut Leder contributed to a recent publication on how displaying art in public...
Blanca Spee, Helmut Leder, Jan Mikuni, Frank Scharnowski, and Matthew Pelowski were involved in a recent publication on how machine learning can be...
The RESONATE management team from the University of Vienna recently visited the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg to meet with the team in...
Jozsef Arato, Mat White, et al. recently published a paper in Marine Pollution Bulletin
Elisabeth Oberzaucher and Helmut Leder's "Urban Intervention with Art in Public Space" featured in the Rudolphina Research Magazine.