
Mat White was named one of Clarivate's Highly Cited Researchers, who "have demonstrated significant and broad influence in their publication of...

New Publication

Jan Mikuni and Helmut Leder are co-authors on Kirren Chana's recent paper in Frontiers in Psychology.


On Monday, October 23rd, 18:30 Simon Penny will give a talk about Skill: Know-how, artisanal practices and ‘higher’ cognition at OFAI

New Publication

Olga Kepinska, Narly Golestani et al. recently published a new paper on the relationship between auditory cortex anatomy and multilingual experience...


On October 17th Julia Crone held her Brownbag Session on "The Role of Complex Brain Dynamics and Transformative Experiences for the Hedonic Response...


An overview of the skills, experiences, and research areas of Vienna CogSciHub Network Associates is now available on our Wiki Space.