LMK-MUSE: Modellbildungs- und simulationsgestützte Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Laste-Mile Katastrophenbewältigung

Period: November 2013 - November 2015, prolonged until March 2019

Principal investigator(s):

  • A.o.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Markus Peschl

Team member(s):

  • Dr. Eva Gatarik

Funding program: FFG KIRAS

Involved fields:


The project focuses on the development of a cloud-based simulation and operations research toolkit which is integrated in the control information systems for tactical and operative planning support. It provides decision-makers status reports as well as simulated scenarios and analysis of future developments. In combination with quantitative methods, this should help to improve the response to disasters and to provide better support to victims. Moreover, the usage of the toolkit in training helps to identify crucial skills required and can lead to a better understanding of relief processes, especially due to the focus on private and public coordination within this project.

Prof. Markus Peschl